
We accept responsibility and play our part in the sustainable development of the economy.
Tyrolit is committed to sustainability as part of its core values. As a Group, we believe that environmental and social responsibility and corporate governance (ESG) are crucial to our success. We strive to ensure that all our activities have a positive impact on people, the environment and society as a whole.

Our goal is to be a productive and responsible member of society. In doing so, we focus on respect for human rights and the careful use of resources.

Sustainability and quality: Our values, your future
Working together for a more sustainable value chain and excellent products

We attach great importance to providing our customers with high-quality and safe products and services as part of a sustainably optimised value-added chain. Active sustainability is a key focus for all internal and external stakeholders and creates the basis for a strategic sustainability policy in all business units.

To this end, we work throughout the Group with long-standing and reliable suppliers who share our values, as well as with responsible, qualified employees and with customers for whom sustainable action and quality are important.

Good coexistence with our surroundings and all neighbours is important to us

As an industrial company, it is important to us to maintain a good relationship with our neighbours. We therefore always do our best to keep noise and unpleasant odours to an absolute minimum. The latest information on emissions can always be found in our download area. Should you nevertheless have an unpleasant experience, you are welcome to contact us.

Local Resident Information

Antje Schwemberger
Environmental Management

Every challenge offers an opportunity

This is why we want to get closer to our vision of a better world through joint initiatives. In the coming years, we will focus on expanding our strategic sustainability action areas, further developing certification and working together to achieve EU 2050 targets to make the world a liveable place for future generations.

A sustainability concept as part of our strategy ensures our long-term success and makes us a strong and reliable partner for our stakeholders. So far, we have achieved the goals we have set and have already taken up a pioneering role at the site in Schwaz in Austria. However, we know that there is still much to be done.

Our goals

Expansion of alternative energy

The first parts of the large-scale photovoltaic system at the Schwaz site have been in operation since August. A total of three expansion stages are planned at the main plant and a further one at the secondary site in Vomp. When the system is fully installed, we will be able to cover up to a quarter of our own electricity needs with solar energy. In line with the “Tyrol 2050 Energy Autonomous” strategy, the technology company will save an additional 723 tonnes of CO2 annually. In addition, analyses for further PV installations are currently being carried out at all Tyrolit sites, and the Group-wide energy management team is looking at other options such as geothermal energy, GW heat capacities or alternative gas from wood. We are looking forward to the resulting implementations.

Energy reduction through process and infrastructure optimisation

One area of focus is the reduction of energy and its costs. Special process and infrastructure optimisation in the production area have already reduced energy costs. The gas consumption of the tunnel kiln, for example, has been significantly reduced by installing a heat exchanger that heats the supply air of the burners with the waste gas from the cooling zone of the tunnel kiln. In addition, the shuttle kilns have been optimised and connected to the central heat recovery network. The reduced gas consumption has not only lowered the overall increase in energy costs, but also protects the environment. CO2 emissions have been reduced by 1,100 tonnes per year.

Sustainable product development in innovation

When new products and applications are developed, this is done in compliance with strict internal guidelines that drive sustainable product development and sustainable innovation processes. These include:

  • Replacing hazardous substances

  • Using fewer resources in production

  • Creating competitive advantages for customers by saving energy

  • Making the use of tools even safer

  • Using recycled raw materials

  • Ceramic grinding wheel production without naphthalene


Expansion of grinding wheel recycling systems

In line with a circular economy approach, work is being carried out on solutions for synthetic resin products in existing product ranges, such as the use of proprietary reclaimed corundum from the finishing process for ceramic production.

Expansion of the Group-wide ideas process for employees: Managing Ideas

For many years, there has been an employee ideas process as part of the management system, in which bonuses are paid for new employee ideas depending on the idea category and awards are given for the ideas. A sustainability category is being added to this process to encourage and recognise the commitment of all employees to sustainable projects.

Our strategy

To further pursue our vision of a world in balance and to jointly build and implement structures and processes at all sites, we have defined a Group-wide corporate strategy.

This strategy includes the seven internal action areas that map our sustainable orientation, continuous further development in relation to the SEAM certification and support for the EU Roadmap 2050.

SEAM certification

In the spirit of responsible cooperation, Tyrolit played an active role in initiating the sustainability certification brand SEAM. SEAM stands for Sustainable European Abrasive Manufacturers and also certifies our competitors. SEAM is based on the three pillars Environment, Labour and Economy and covers all areas of sustainable corporate management in the abrasives industry with the respective subcategories. We have been SEAM certified since 2021 and align our actions with the jointly developed guidelines on a daily basis.

SEAM certification guarantees a high level of standardisation when it comes to quality, safety, excellence and the environment and supports the successful positioning of the company in a rapidly changing world. It empowers the mission of broad-based sustainable corporate management and makes sustainability a business opportunity and competitive advantage in the abrasives industry. Tyrolit sets itself six goals each year, the achievement of which is verified by the SEAM certification.

Our roadmap to 2050 to meet EU targets

Another pillar of our sustainable corporate governance is the implementation of numerous initiatives to meet the requirements of the European Roadmap 2050. As a productive and responsible member of society, we want to continue to actively contribute to the positive implementation of EU targets such as a net carbon-neutral European industry.

We have already implemented the following initiatives:

  • The Tyrolit Group currently saves 700 MWh per year through photovoltaic systems – from Australia to Thailand to the Czech Republic. A further 3,500 MWh are to be added in Tyrol. On the one hand, this reduces CO2 emissions and, on the other, makes us more resilient – especially in conjunction with other innovative ideas in energy management.

  • At the Schwaz site alone, we have reduced our CO2 emissions by 59% since 2006.

  • We obtain our electrical energy for the Schwaz site from resource-conserving energy sources such as hydroelectric power and photovoltaic systems.

  • We converted all internal logistics at the Schwaz site to e-trucks as of June 2022.

  • At the Neuenrade site in Germany, we implemented an energy efficiency project in 2022 – including the construction of a combined heat and power plant, a central cooling system and a lighting concept with an annual saving of 46.1% in relation to current CO2 emissions.

  • Throughout the Group, we are investing in the switch to LED.

  • We have a Group-wide team working on further process and infrastructure improvements as well as solutions for greater use of alternative energy.

  • Innovative ideas are being further developed so that our products contribute to active climate protection.

  • We are optimising our Group-wide packaging process.

  • Many small, proactive actions in various areas, such as

    • promoting local biodiversity with a wild bee hotel

    • the Clean Jizera Project

    • cooperation with sheltered workshops

    • the provision of our company fire brigade for operations outside the Tyrolit premises

    • a bike leasing campaign for our employees

    • a 24/7 information service for the local community

    • and much more.

These measures not only ensure Tyrolit’s long-term success, but also make us a strong and reliable partner for all stakeholders.

Contact us

Antje Schwemberger
Environmental Management