Responsibility, Transparency & Business Ethics

Social responsibility

For generations, social responsibility has been an important part of the Tyrolit management system and is a major factor underlying our actions. It includes responsibility for our employees, for our customers, suppliers and users, for our neighbours all around our sites, and for surrounding districts and regions. We attach importance to open, transparent and mutually respectful communication with all stakeholders and respect for freedom of expression and assembly.

Occupational health and safety is a central component of our corporate strategy

Tyrolit meets all legal requirements to guarantee the highest possible standards in health and safety at work. Safety and well-being at work are ensured by regular workplace evaluations, safety and product training courses and continuous improvement of the working environment.

Actively supporting and further developing all employees, as well as promoting equality

In addition to safe and modern workplaces as well as fair and performance-related pay, Tyrolit offers attractive employee benefits. Individual induction, targeted further development and appropriate further training not only improve expertise, but also strengthen motivation and loyalty to the company. Further training includes, among other things, programmes in the areas of personal development, conflict management and agile working in teams.

Responsibility for customers and users

Through continuous business impact and risk analyses, we make sure that our customers receive a reliable supply of safe products. Continuous safety updates and training go hand-in-hand with the targeted exchange of expertise to establish the necessary awareness and increase the acceptance of essential safety guidelines and measures.

Responsibility for society

Responsibility for society – particularly for neighbours and the areas surrounding our sites – is an integral part of Tyrolit’s 100-year history. We live up to this responsibility by communicating openly and transparently, and responding to local needs. What’s more, we actively contribute financially to society through our regional sponsoring initiatives, supporting around 250 selected cultural, social and sports projects every year.


Common sense alone is often not enough and it takes people with expertise. Today, it is increasingly important to deal with responsibility transparently and to talk openly about facts and figures. This creates mutual trust and appreciation. Regulatory and legal pressure are forcing large and small companies to communicate about sustainability issues in a binding, fact- and figure-based manner. We believe that this is both necessary and right.

Business ethics

With a strong focus on the UN Global Compact Principles and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, we actively integrate sustainability issues into our training courses to create even greater awareness of the fact that each and every individual can and must assume responsibility.

The principles of our business ethics are additionally laid down in the Tyrolit Code of Conduct. Among other things, they relate to upholding our moral values, particularly in relation to human and children’s rights, as well as complying with and verifying all legal requirements in the company and our supply chain.

To promote a healthy and active lifestyle among our employees, Tyrolit supports the leasing of bicycles and e-bikes, for example. In addition, we are working to expand Tyrolit’s sports club activities and the employee suggestion scheme throughout the Group.