
Protecting the climate and the environment are part of our corporate culture
At Tyrolit, living and breathing environmental management creates a nexus for all internal and external interest groups. This ensures a strategic sustainability policy in all business units and throughout the entire supply chain.
Climate and environmental protection give rise to innovation
Tyrolit sees environmental protection as a driving force for continuous corporate further development. Environmental protection not only contributes to the positive development of all existing Tyrolit sites and the creation of new jobs, but also boosts our ability to sustain our market-leading position for the long term.
Protection of the climate and the environment are communicators
Tyrolit became a pioneering force in the abrasives industry by recognising the importance of a quality management system at a very early stage. Today, the majority of Tyrolit companies have been integrated into this system. Safeguarded and documented processes and work procedures, constant process optimisation and competent employees as part of a high quality and service-oriented corporate culture are cornerstones of our philosophy.
Climate and environmental protection are safeguards for the future
An active environmental policy is one of the preconditions of safeguarding the long-term future of the Tyrolit Group. To us, environmental protection is therefore not a restriction, but rather represents an opportunity for a fresh perspective. The issue of environmental protection is a permanent topic and part of every business area. Its successful implementation relies on the active support of employees.
Active fields of action in climate and environmental protection
Energy optimisation through process and infrastructure measures, e.g. firing circle optimisation
Increasing the share of alternative energies through active promotion of PV systems and electrification of processes
Waste prevention through efficient use of raw materials and continuously optimised production and infrastructure processes
Promotion of reuse and recycling of raw materials through innovative product and process development
Promotion of biodiversity and animal welfare through local support programs