A visit from the Austrian minister of Finance

After a brief company presentation, the discussions centred on the Austrian and European economic situation and the current challenges they face. CFO Dollinger emphasised how Tyrolit’s broad scope enables us to offer unique solutions. He particularly highlighted the company’s more than 500 registered patents worldwide and the ATEX certification of our wire saws, which have secured Tyrolit significant contracts in the decommissioning of nuclear power plants – a field that has high demands on safety and precision.
During the subsequent tour of the plant, Brunner and his colleagues were especially impressed by the industrial diversity that Tyrolit serves. Helmuth Stampfer explained how crucial grinding applications are in various aspects of daily life – from simple everyday products to highly precise applications in medical technology. This allowed us to demonstrate to our guests that Tyrolit not only plays a central role in the Austrian economy but also sets international standards.

The visit underscored Tyrolit’s importance to both the local and global economy. Minister Brunner and the ÖVP delegation expressed their admiration for the company’s innovation, its strategic significance in highly sensitive industries, and the expertise and global successes that distinguish Tyrolit as a leading company in the abrasives sector.